" Thank you O Lord ", it's only by " YOUR GRACE " DO WE STAND. DO WE STAND!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?"

 Jesus Said:  You Must Be Born Again!

    Adam sinned against God.  This sin contaminated all human flesh.  This "Sin Contamination" put mankind into a state of being to where he cannot ever seek the face of God, nor, can he ever be anything to God other than an enemy.

   This sin infected mankind in a way that the only recourse that God the Father had, was to punish all of mankind in the eternal darkness of Hell, and also in the never-ending flames of the Lake Of Fire.  (This is the Nature Of God, as it pertains to Sin.)

   But, God so loved the world that he gave his only "Begotten Son", that "Whosoever Believes" in him will not perish, but has "everlasting Life". (John 3:16)

  God (The Word) entered into a body of flesh, and was born as the "Baby Jesus".  Being God He was able to stand-in as a completely innocent, and sinless substitute for the guilty, and sinful mankind.  Being flesh, Jesus  was able to be an authentic representative,  of mankind, and,  for mankind.  Therefore, as a man He was able to satisfy the "Requirements" that were necessary for  "receiving" the  "Just, but, Wrathful Punishments" that is due for "The Sins" of "All Mankind."   (Jesus was the "Pure, and  the Blameless" sacrifice that "Justice" Requires", for the payment of "Sin"). 

    The "Salvation Of Mankind" is based solely upon what was done at the cross, where Jesus hung between heaven and hell, while God the Father poured out His Just and Wrathful Punishments on  him.  He was made the substitute for mankind, and thus, receiving the punishments for all of the sins that have ever been, or, ever will be committed by mankind from Adam, and Eve to the ending of the world.

   Jesus's blood was shed on the cross by those he came to save. Because of the Sin Nature, mankind loves the things of the darkness, and, hates the things of the "Light" because it is the Light that exposes man's "Evil Deeds". (Jesus was also the "Teacher of God's Holy Word, and part of his mission was to expose the darkness by teaching the principles of the Word Of God.") 

  While Jesus was hanging on the cross, He asked His Father in Heaven to "Forgive Those Who Were Crucifying Him" because (He says), "They Know Not What They Do."  Mankind was scoffing at him, and shaking their fists at him,  while God the Father was pouring out an eternity of punishments on him for mankind's sins. Yet Jesus, The Word Of God;  The Power by which God Carries out His Own Will was asking the Father in Heaven to forgive these sinful creatures, known as "mankind".  (He came to save that which was lost.")

   Jesus died on the cross, suspended on metal spikes between Heaven, and Hell.  With the "Just Punishments" (for man's sins) exacted on Him by God The Father.  Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb.  While in the grave Jesus went into hell and preach to the Saints of "Old" who were there awaiting for the "Redeemer" to come, and, rescue them.

   On the third day God raised Jesus up into a "New Body" that is not subject to the "Penalties, and the Everlasting Punishments" of Adam's sins. 

   Because of Adam's disobedience to God, all of mankind was plunged into sin.  (You are what your father, and mother is.)  But, because of Jesus's obedience, God raised Jesus up in a New, and Sinless body that is not of the seed of Adam.  This death of the "Old Man", and the new birth of the "New Man" is known as "Being Born Again."  

   TO BE BORN AGAIN YOU MUST:   believe in your heart that Jesus is, who God  says that He is, (as revealed to us within the Holy Scriptures).  Then you must "Repent"  (that is to turn around from your sinful ways.) and accept Lord Jesus as your "Saviour". 

   To do this you must ask God to forgive you of your sins, and ask Him to accept you as one of His children in the "Holy Name" of "Jesus. (You can speak to God The Father in your own words.) 

   If your prayer to God is sincere, and if you truly believe what you tell God, (as required by Faith in Jesus.) then you have become "A Child Of The Living God", where Jesus is the "First Born", and the heir to Heaven.  Because of His obedience to God,  Jesus is also the "Lord Of All Lords", and  "The King Of All Kings", and you as a "Child Of God" are co-heirs with Him.  Jesus Is Your Lord, and your Saviour.  Jesus is also your "Big Brother", because He, and He alone has brought those who believe on His Name into the "Family Of God  Almighty, who is The Father".

   You will not be perfect.  You will still be tempted by both the world, and  by Satan.  As a "Child Of God", Satan has absolutely no power over you.  He cannot make you do anything.  He can only throw his "Fiery Darts" at you.  He cannot even hit you with his fire darts unless you "Willfully" step in front of them.  He can use the things of the flesh to entice you into taking your eyes off of Jesus and embracing sin.  He can make sin very enticing to you, and he can also entice you into just "Winking" at this "Little Sin", and "Winking" at that "Little Sin" until your heart loses it's sensitivity to the things of God.  But Satan can only do these things if you take your eyes off of Jesus.

  Jesus has sent "The Holy Spirit" to dwell within the hearts of those who belong to Him, (those who confess His Name)  It is through the "Power" of The Holy Spirit that one is able to withstand, and put-down the temptations of the devil, and, of the flesh.

   You will sin, but, when you do, be sure to confess your sins daily to God The Father, in the name of Jesus, (Your Lord, and Saviour.) and God is faithful to forgive you of those sins. 


   If you feed yourself on the things of the flesh, the flesh will become strongest, and will take control of your being through the enticements of the devil, and also through the will of the "Old Man" Nature, which include the "Lust of the flesh";  the "Pride Of Life, and the "Lust Of The Eyes" (These are the categories that are common to the "Sins Of The Flesh"

   If you feed yourself on the "Things Of God", then the spirit becomes strongest.  To do this you should keep yourself immersed in the "Word Of God",  (the "Holy Scriptures")  and, through "Much Prayers" to God, in the "Name Of Jesus".  Keep yourself sensitive to the "Gentle calling" of the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit Of God that is your teacher, and, also He is your keeper in this life.  Stay in tune with Him. 

   By reading, and studying the Holy Word of God, you will know what the "Word Of God" says, and what the "Will Of God" is.  The Word Of God is a perfect "Road Map" that God has given to His very own so that they will know "The Way Of Truth", and "The Will Of God".  This road map is there to guide you, and, others into the Light Of God, and to Jesus the Lord.

  Once you know what the Will Of God is, then, by keeping yourself in tune with the "Calling" of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to recognize when you are under attack by the flesh, and also when Satan is hurling his fiery darts at you.

   Also by "being in fellowship" with other brothers, and sisters in Christ, you will be able to grow stronger much quicker.  You will also have the strength of being in numbers that will help you to give a much stronger, and, a much better prayer to God. ("When two or more are gathered together in my name, then I am there also.")


    Many Blessings to You and Yours.


   May God make you prosper in the  New Year, in the Name Of Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour.

             David McIntire
          "A Soldier Of The Light"



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